Category Archives: age

How old do I look?


So, a quick funny story. We had new guttering put on our carport today. They started early and finished very quickly. I was very impressed. Anyway, when they were done the guy rang the doorbell. I answered the door, and he said to me, “are your parents home?” I probably gave him a look like, what are you talking about?  But, I very nicely answered that I was the homeowner. He then apologized. Then, I really felt bad for giving him a look. So, I told him it was alright, but you could tell he felt really bad. But, seriously. I know that I’m young, but I didn’t think I looked like I couldn’t live on my own without my parents. So, my question to you is….How old do I look?

P.S. Jared thinks that this is hilarious! 🙂